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Customized ICT solutions for Caribbean growth


A tech camp at Digital Jam in Kingston, Jamaica

World Bank

  • The Caribbean is one of the most diverse in the world in terms of economic performance and demography. This diversity is also apparent in the differing levels of ICT development.
  • Mobile phone services and use has expanded in the region but broadband coverage has not enjoyed similiar growth.
  • If the region is to be effective in increasing growth and competitiveness broadband services need to be improved.

Information and Communication Technologies - ICTs - are seen as a key driver of economic growth, however major gaps in ICT infrastructure are hampering competitiveness efforts in the Caribbean, according to a new study.

While access to mobile phone services have increased in the region, a similar growth has not been seen in broadband coverage,  meaning markets in the region are very much underdeveloped.

This knowledge series explores the difference a customized approach to ICT development could have on growth in the region, concluding that strategies, policy and regulations should be developed for each country according to their respective level of ICT development.

ICTs are seen as a driver of economic growth and offers significant opportunities for the Caribbean to jumpstart policies and iniatives across the spectrum of sectors and services. However significant variations in the use of ICTs remain.
