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The Central African Republic (CAR), a sparsely populated country with 6,100,000 inhabitants in 2021, is a landlocked nation in the heart of the African continent with an area of 623,000 km². Despite its wealth of natural resources (470 mining indices, with petroleum, gold, and diamonds as the main potential resources), CAR is among the world's poorest and most fragile countries. The country has endured over two decades of crises, the most significant of which was marked by the seizure of power by the Séléka in 2013. The latest crisis was triggered by the Coalition of Patriots for Change (CPC) rebels in December 2020.

CAR ranked 191st out of 193 countries in the 2022 Human Capital and Development Index. The country boasts significant agricultural potential and vast forests, yet the population still awaits the opportunity to fully benefit from these resources.

Political Context

The Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation (APPR-CAR), signed on February 6, 2019, with 14 armed groups, continues to serve as a roadmap for the pursuit of long-term peace and stability, even after some armed groups linked to the CPC withdrew from the agreement in December 2020.

The International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), through the Luanda Roadmap, has facilitated progress in the disarmament, demobilization, reintegration, and resettlement (DDRR) of CPC combatants. The dissolution of nine out of the 14 signatory armed groups in 2023 is expected to contribute to peace and stability.

A new constitution was adopted in August 2023, and local elections are scheduled for 2025, the first since 1986.

Economic Situation

The economy has continued to stagnate since 2023, partly due to a 13% decrease in reported gold production during the first half of 2024, likely linked to an increase in smuggling in conflict areas. However, the main factor behind this stagnation is the delay and uncertainty surrounding the river transport campaign for fuel imports, which had not materialized by the end of August 2024 and typically account for 80-85% of fuel imports. Fuel shortages, ongoing for three years, continue to severely disrupt local trade and production. Although limited fuel reserves and the black market may prevent a short-term collapse, the situation remains extremely concerning.

Additionally, low electricity production has led to repeated power outages in Greater Bangui. The estimated GDP growth for 2024 is 0.7%, similar to 2023, and well below the country's economic potential.

Social Situation

The population living in extreme poverty is one and a half times larger in rural areas than in urban areas.

According to the latest report from the UN Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), approximately 2.8 million people require humanitarian assistance. In August 2024, the total number of internally displaced persons was estimated at 450,000, while 739,000 people were still registered as refugees in neighboring countries.

Maternal mortality is one of the highest in the world (835 per 100,000 live births), while the under-five mortality rate is the sixth highest, with 116 deaths per 1,000 births. Chronic malnutrition (children under 5) is 38%. CAR also has one of the world's highest fertility rates, with 6 births per woman. The average life expectancy is 53 years, for both men and women.

CAR is among the countries with the lowest education indicators. The expected years of schooling in CAR are 5.3 years for boys and 3.8 years for girls. The quality of primary education is low, with 67% of parent-teachers and a very low proportion of female teachers (17%).

CAR ranks 188th out of 191 in terms of gender equality. These gender disparities contribute to high rates of gender-based violence (GBV), posing a significant barrier to women's full participation in social and economic life. Empowering women is essential for the country's development.

Last Updated: Oct 17, 2024

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Additional Resources

Country Office Contacts

Main Office Contact
Banque Mondiale,
Rue des Missions,
Bangui, Central African Republic
+236 21 61 61 68
For general information and inquiries
Emmanuel Crispin Dembassa Kette,
Bangui, Central African Republic
+236 72 50 72 32
For project-related issues and complaints