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About Web Archives

Web archiving is a part of the World Bank Group digital preservation strategy which aims to capture, preserve, and provide access to institutional memory, information, and knowledge. 

Archived websites are an important digital asset, that document legacy information and serve as a record of the Bank Group’s business activities, storing knowledge gained and lessons learned.

WBG Web Archives collection of selected archived web content features: 

  • archived websites that have been decommissioned or replaced due to redesign, technological, or other changes
  • archived websites that have historical and research value but are no longer relevant to current projects.
  • archived websites with a specific look and feel of the previous generation of the WBG websites.

Each archived website is accompanied by metadata profile, that provides the name of its original unit owner, geographical or topical focus, keywords, and dates of website’s creation and archiving. To view the background, click on the I icon in the listings.

We invite you to explore our Web Archives collection.