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World Bank Group in Geneva

World Bank Group Geneva Office Impact Series


"Investing in People in Low-Income Countries: IDA's Contribution"

Held on 26 November 2024, 2:00-3:30 PM CET

It was a pleasure to host third edition of the World Bank Geneva Office Impact Series, focusing on Investing in People in Low-Income countries and highlighting IDA's contribution – which raised a record $100 billion in its 21st replenishment held early December 2024 in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Investing in people is at the heart of IDA, and we were able to showcase efforts that have increased access to education, including enrollment of girls in Malawi; created jobs for youth through dual apprenticeships in Cote d’Ivoire;  and systematic engagement of communities to boost the quality and access to health services in India.


We are grateful to our fantastic panel of speakers from partner countries:

Grace Milner, Director of Basic Education, Government of Malawi;

Dr. Herman Toualy, Coordinator, Employment Program Coordination Office, Cote d’Ivoire; and

Dr. Harsh Sharma, Project Director, Uttar Pradesh, India. 


From the World Bank:

Dirk Reinermann, Director, IDA Resource Mobilization & IBRD Corporate Finance,

Luis Benveniste, Global Director, Education;

Monique Vledder, Practice Manager, Global Health Nutrition and Population;

Amith Bathula Nagaraj, Senior Health Specialist;

Patrick Premand, Senior Economist, DIME.

A big thank you too to everyone who joined us and made it a very lively and enriching discussion. 


"Investing in Prosperity in Low-Income Countries: IDA's Contribution"

Held on 4 November 2024, 2:00-3:30 PM CET

Featuring experts from the World Bank and LICs, this session presented results on approaches to build prosperity in LICs drawing on experience through the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank’s fund for the poorest countries. It showcased countries’ efforts to enhance their governance, institutions and economic policies that boost economic inclusion, create more and better jobs and support the most vulnerable people.


MARIA DIMITRIADOU, Special Representative to the UN and the WTO, World Bank    
Keynote Speech
DIRK REINERMANN, Director, IDA Resource Mobilization and IBRD Corporate Finance, Development Finance, World Bank    
Part 1: Impact from a series of Governance programs in Somalia and lessons learnt for IDA21
VERENA FRITZ, Lead Governance Specialist, Somalia Troika Governance Programs, World Bank
SALEIMAN UMAR, Director General, Ministry of Finance, Somalia   
Part 2: Impact from a series of Jobs programs in Kenya and Togo    
FREDERICO GIL SANDER, Practice Manager, Global Macroeconomics and Debt, Macroeconomics, Trade and Investment, World Bank      
FEDERICA RICALDI, Senior Economist, World Bank      
AUGUSTINE MAYABI, Deputy Director, Ministry of ICT Innovation and Youth Affairs, National Project Coordinator, Kenya      
MAGUEYE DIA, Senior Private Sector Development Specialist, Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation, World Bank

WBG Geneva Office Impact Series

"Building poor households’ resilience in the wake of climate change"

Held on 25 June 2024, 15:00 - 16:30 CET

This first workshop presented new results on approaches to boost poor households’ resilience in the wake of climate change.

It showcased how Adaptive Social Protection Programming in the Sahel (with IDA financing) promotes economic inclusion and livelihood diversification. It also discussed how WFP resilience programming can improve food security and agricultural livelihoods.

Following these two cases, a roundtable between government and international - representatives discuss implications for policymaking.

Opening Remarks:

JAMELE RIGOLINI, Senior Advisor, Social Protection & Jobs, World Bank


MARIA DIMITRIADOU, Special Representative to the UN & the WTO, World Bank


PATRICK PREMAND, Senior Economist, DIME, World Bank

JONAS HEIRMAN, Head of Impact Evaluation, World Food Programme


JAPHET DOUDOU BEINDJILA, National Coordinator, Support Project for Refugees and Host Communities, Chad

CELINE PEYRON BISTA,  Social Protection and Employment Policy Specialist,  International Labour Organisation

CECILIA BENDA, Global Agronomist and Climate Change Lead, International Committee of the Red Cross,

NOUROU MACKI TALL, Senior Liaison Officer, Emergencies and Resilience, Food and Agriculture Organization.