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Rémi Trier

Senior Water Resources and Irrigation Specialist

Trained as agronomist, Rémi Trier joined the World Bank in 2012, bringing experience from many other institutional contexts as he worked previously 15 years in an international consultant company, 2 years in a NGO and 2 years in the bilateral cooperation. He has been able to work on many aspects of irrigation development (small-scale and large-scale irrigation schemes) both on technical (rehabilitation, modernization) and institutional aspects (public management, WUA, PPP, PIM, etc.). Rémi has the opportunity to get a sense of the large variety of irrigated agriculture development both in developed and developing countries, including permanent residences in Brazil (5 years), in Mozambique (4 years) and in Argentina (1 year). He also has the opportunity to complement this knowledge with a larger perspective of IWRM especially in context of Transboundary Integrated Water Resources Management (River Basins Niger of Senegal, Zambezi, Mekong, etc.). Rémi is the co-lead of the Water in Agriculture Global Solutions Group at the World Bank, representing the Agriculture Global Practice. 

  • Water
  • Agricultural Water Management
  • Agriculture and Food Security
  • Water Resources Management 
  • Sustainable Economic Growth