Pablo Acosta is Lead Economist in the Social Protection and Jobs unit and Global Lead for Migration. Pablo has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign (United States) and a Master of Economics from the National University of La Plata (Argentina). Pablo joined the World Bank as a Young Professional in 2008 and has worked as an economist in three regions: Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, and East Asia and the Pacific. Prior to the World Bank, Pablo worked at CAF - Latin American Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Ministry of Economy of Argentina, and the Foundation for Latin American Economic Research (FIEL).
His main areas of expertise are social protection, labor policy, migration and skills development. Pablo has a number of academic publications, including in the Journal of International Economics, Labor Economics, Economic Development and Cultural Change, World Development, Journal of Development Studies, and World Economy among others, as well as books and chapters in various World Bank publications. Pablo is also a research fellow at the Institute of Labor Studies (IZA).
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