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Preeti Arora

Preeti Arora

Operations Manager for Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka

South Asia

Preeti Arora is the Operations Manager for Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka based out of Kathmandu. She has over 27 years of development experience that spans operations and corporate work, as well as lending and knowledge work in the Africa and South Asia regions, most recently as the Operations Manager for Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, overseeing the implementation of a portfolio of IDA credits of more than USD 9 billion.

Prior to this role, she has served as the Country Program Coordinator (CPC) for two Country Management Units - Burundi, Malawi, Somalia and Tanzania and Sudan, South Sudan, and Somalia. She led the preparation of the Tanzania Country Partnership Framework for 2018-2022. Prior to that she led the Development Effectiveness Unit of the South Asia Region on quality assurance of the region's policy lending and country assistance strategies.

Ms. Arora has post graduate degrees from the Delhi School of Economics and taught Economics at the University of Delhi, India, before joining the World Bank as Country Economist in West Africa.