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Markus Kostner

Practice Manager, Urban, Rural & Social Development

Expertise in fragility and conflict, crisis response, and social development more broadly. Worked in the Social Development Department (Economist in the Post-Conflict Unit), the Africa Region (Lead Social Development Specialist, coordinating AFR work on conflict), the Middle East and North Africa Region (Country Program Coordinator for West Bank and Gaza), and OPCS (Adviser in the Fragile and Conflict-Affected Countries Group). Has extensive experience in demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants, community-driven reconstruction/development, and social analysis of natural disasters. Task managed several operations and large-scale multi-donor trust funds, and (co-) authored various papers in these areas. Led or participated in various post-conflict and post-disaster needs assessments and post-crisis responses. Member of the Fragile and Conflict States Global Expert Team and core team member of the 2011 World Development Report: Conflict, Security and Development.

Tel : 202-473-5886

  • Social Development