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Marina Elefante

Marina Elefante

Private Sector Development Specialist, Women, Business and the Law, Global Indicators Group

Development Economics

Marina Elefante is a Private Sector Development Specialist for the Women, Business and the Law project at the World Bank’s Development Economics vice-presidency. She leads research on childcare policies and produces data and analysis on laws and regulations affecting women’s economic inclusion. Her previous research has dealt with child marriage and women’s access to identification and nationality rights. Before joining the World Bank in 2015, Marina carried out research projects on legal aid for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), taught international human rights law at Yeditepe University in Istanbul and led human trafficking legal reform programs at The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. An Italian national, Marina graduated cum laude from the University of Naples, Italy Law School and holds an M.A. in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action from the University of Siena, Italy, and an LL.M. with distinction in International Legal Studies from Georgetown University Law Center.

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