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Elena Glinskaya

Lead Social Protection Specialist

Elena Glinskaya is a Lead Social Protection Specialist and Program Leader for China, Mongolia and Korea. Ms. Glinskaya joined the World Bank in Washington DC, in 1999, and has worked on the wide range of Bank products, including Development Policy and Investment Loans, Sector Assessments and Technical Assistance and Fee-for-Service tasks in South Asia, Europe and Central Asia and East Asia regions. She has published books and articles in the areas of social safety nets, education, health, migration, poverty, and labor markets. Before moving to Beijing about three and a half years ago, she spent three years in Almaty, Kazakhstan. In addition to her current PL role, Elena leads World Bank dialogue on elder care in China.

Ms. Glinskaya received her MS degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the Moscow State University and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in the USA.

  • Education
  • Health