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Elaine MacEachern

Global Specialist, Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation

Ms. MacEachern is currently based in Bankok, Thailand as a Global Product Specialist for Secured Transactions and Collateral Registries, the WBG’s financial infrastructure secured lending product.  Elaine works with WBG clients in the Asia and Africa regions extensively and contributes regularly to the ongoing Financial Inclusion development agenda of ASEAN and APEC Financial Infrastructure working groups, as well as the G20 Joint Action Plan on SME Financing.  Elaine has over fifteen years of public and private sector experience and a solid track record providing consultative services and trusted advice to governments, development agencies and international financial institutions.

Elaine was a former Registrar of both Land Titles (immoveable) and Personal Property (moveable) in Canada. She has participated in the design, development and implementation of secured transaction reform projects and registry systems in Canada, Russian, Caribbean, Asia and Africa regions under Common, Civil and Islamic law regimes.  She has extensive experience in legislative and public registry reform projects involving various alternative operational and governance models. She actively monitors the global development of secured transaction law and operational frameworks and is frequently sought as subject matter expert on secured transaction projects around the world.

When Elaine is not traveling throughout Asia and Africa providing advisory services to the WBG’s government clients on financial sector reforms, she and her husband enjoy the freedom of having an empty nest and all the different cuisines Bangkok has to offer. 

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Finance & Markets Global Practice

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  • Financial Sector
  • Financial Inclusion
