Carole Megevand has 25 years of professional experience in international Development across various regions in the world. She holds two Master degrees respectively on Agricultural Economics and Environment/Natural Resources Economics.
Carole Megevand is currently based in Rabat, Morocco as the Sector Leader for Sustainable Development for the Maghreb countries. Before, she was overseeing the Sustainable Development and Infrastructure program for Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Carole joined the Bank in 2002, from the Country Office in Yaoundé Cameroon, as Forestry Specialist. She integrated the YP Program in 2007 and continued managing managed complex operations on Natural Resources in various Africa and then in Latin American countries, always with a specific focus on inter-sectoral dimensions and governance issues. In 2015, she was appointed as Global Lead on Forests for the World Bank Group and, through the preparation of the Forest Action Plan, she worked at strategically positioning the Forest agenda for the institution.
She has an extensive international experience in the developing world including three long-term assignments (Tunisia, Cameroon, Argentina) and missions in more than 20 countries in Africa, Middle East-North Africa and Latin America and Caribbean
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