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Results for the CSPF Working Group 24-26 announced
Jan 31, 2025

Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) Working Group Elections 2024-26

The World Bank Group and IMF, in collaboration with the Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) Working Group, are pleased to announce the results of the elections for the 2024-2026 CSPF Working Group. Over 2,600 civil society representatives voted in the recent elections and selected 8 representatives, one per region where the Bank operates. Thank you for your nominations, your votes, and your engagement. 

The winning candidates will hold their positions January 2025 – December 2026: Rosemary Mburu, Rafiu Akinpelu Olaore, Muhammad Zamal Nasution, Iryna Mykulych, Marianne Díaz-Hernández, Farah Al Shami, Caroline Vesey, and Md Arif Raihan Maahi. 

  • The CSPF Working Group serves as an interlocutor with the WBG and IMF civil society teams to help ensure the CSPF is an effective platform for civil society to voice concerns, share ideas and experiences, and dialogue with staff. 

  • Pre-CSPF functions:  

    • Review and update (as necessary) the guidelines and processes for CSPF session proposal submissions   

    • Review CSPF session proposals and provide feedback to ensure regional representation of topics/issues in the CSPF agenda, as well as gender balance, and participation of vulnerable groups   

    • Promote the CSPF and encourage participation    

    • Propose new ideas to the WBG and the IMF CSO teams to improve the forum or give opinions on new ideas presented by the WBG and IMF CSO team   

    • Advise the WBG and IMF teams on the CSPF schedule/program   

    • Recommend (including by seeking inputs from non-CSPF Working Group members) suitable CSO candidates to moderate the flagship events of the CSPF and/or the WBG ED Roundtable with CSOs   


    During the CSPF:  

    • Participate, as needed, in panels and events of the CSPF  

    • Participate in occasional engagements, such as CSO Orientation and feedback sessions.  


    • Review and analyze responses gathered from an online post-CSPF survey 

    • Revise and improve the post-CSPF survey as needed  

    • Establish and manage a system for tracking and reporting on progress regarding recommendations and suggestions emanating from the post-CSPF surveys  


    Other responsibilities not directly related to implementation of the CSPF include: 

    • Establish and oversee a transparent and accountable nominations and elections process to replace members of the Working Group   

    • Suggest, as necessary, adjunct CSO members from countries hosting the Biennial Annual meetings to support CSPF preparation and implementation  

    • Ensure frequent and regular communication and engagement with the wider Civil Society community around pertinent issues and priorities in relation to the overall objective of the CSPF 

    • In consultation with the WBG/IMF Civil Society teams, revise and update the Terms of Reference for the Working Group as needed  

    Members of the Working Group will serve on a volunteer basis and are expected to dedicate up to 10 hours a month to the business of the Working Group, concentrated in  the lead up to the Spring and Annual Meetings. They will meet regularly, approximately six times per year, or more frequently as needed.   
    Neither the World Bank, the IMF, or the agencies that comprise them, are obliged to provide financial remuneration for the services and time of the Working Group members.   
    Working Group members must have good connectivity and communication tools like Internet and phone access and a working e-mail account. All communications will be conducted in English.  

  • CSOs will be invited to nominate themselves for consideration. These nominations will then be screened against the selection criteria to produce a list of qualified candidates. 

    Familiarity with WBG, IMF, and CSPF: Candidates must have attended the CSPF at least twice in the last 5 years. 

    Commitment: For a two-year term, candidates must be eager to actively engage with civil society in their region and volunteer a few hours a month for calls, emails, meetings, and other work, and more intensively prior to and during the CSPF at the Spring and Annual Meetings. 

    Regional representation: Ideally, candidates will be based in the region they represent. However, in situations where a candidate has ties with the region through their work but is based elsewhere, they should provide an explanation for why they are applying under that region. 

    Re-election of current WG members: Only one immediate re-election is possible

  • The Working Group will be composed of 7-9 members who are nominated/elected by civil society from among CSPF attendees. Representation of the members is based on several factors, including gender and geographic representation by continent. Regional divisions are as follows:  

    1. Eastern and Southern Africa 

    2. Western and Central Africa  

    3. East Asia/Pacific   

    4. Europe and Central Asia  

    5. Latin America and Caribbean  

    6. Middle East and North Africa  

    7. South Asia   

    8. North America 


    Working Group members are elected for a fixed rotating term of two years. New incoming Working Group members will serve alongside older members to establish trust, deepen an understanding of the CSPF, and ensure a smooth transition.