The 2019 Spring Meetings of the World Bank Group (WBG) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) bring together central bankers, ministers of finance and development, parliamentarians, private sector executives, representatives from civil society and academics to discuss issues of global concern including the world economic outlook, poverty eradication, economic development, and aid effectiveness. In this year’s Spring Meetings, the Legal Vice Presidency of the World Bank is hosting two sessions to underscore the role of law and legal frameworks in supporting local and global priorities for effective development outcomes. From discussions on how countries could further eliminate legal barriers to women’s empowerment, to supporting businesses in adopting sound legal and ethical principles towards sustainable solutions that benefit all, high-level guests and speakers will engage in rich conversations centered on moving the needle in the development space for measurable solutions.
Empowerment Empowering Women by Balancing the Law
WEDNESDAY APRIL 10, 2019 | 10:30-11:30 AM ET | WORLD BANK | MC 2-800
Empowering Women by Balancing the Law is an initiative that seeks to provide analytical and technical know-how to pilot countries in assessing and reforming laws that impede women’s economic and social progress. Pilot countries are selected per their request and commitment to reform. This discussion will present positive reforms and best practices to effectively eliminate legal barriers to women’s empowerment and increase greater gender equality.
This event is by initation only. For more information, please visit the event page.
Human-Centred Business Model: Sustainable Business Practices for Sustainable Development Outcomes
THURSDAY APRIL 11, 2019 | 2:00-3:30 PM ET | WORLD BANK | J 1-050
The Human-Centred Business Model (HCBM) is an innovative business ecosystem that provides the tools and inputs to the private sector, public authorities and consumers when developing new businesses. At the center of the model are economic, social, environmental sustainability and ethical/integrity values that can lead to more sustainable business practices. This session will seek to introduce the HCBM to a wider audience and explore how it can contribute to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It will also analyze what role legal frameworks play in supporting HCBM’s multidimensional approach towards meeting these goals.
This event is by initation only. For more information, please visit the event page.