To increase the development and awareness of Environmentally Responsible Procurement (ERP), the acquisitions of goods and services will ensure that, wherever possible, specifications are written to provide for the expanded use of environmentally preferred products such as: durable products, reusable products, energy-efficient products, low-pollution products, products (including those used in services) that contain the maximum level of post-consumer waste and/or recyclable content, and products that in any other way have a minimal harmful impact on the environment.
The World Bank Group’s policy on ERP will be reflected in solicitations issued by Corporate Procurement as determined appropriate by Corporate Procurement. Applicable evaluation criteria will be included in the technical evaluation and considered in the cost analysis of all quotations, bids, and proposals received in determining the successful bidders/offerors.
It is recognized that cost analysis is required to ensure that the products are made available at competitive prices, and that the environmental benefits provided by a product or service do not undermine its overall performance. Given that many environmentally preferred products and services can produce a variety of tangible benefits, full consideration should be given to the long-term and complete costs and benefits of environmentally responsible procurement.