INTRODUCTION:The World Bank Group is seeking a consulting firm to: (i) develop a strategic framework for Creative and Cultural Industries (CCIs) in Lamu County; hereafter referred to as a master plan; and (ii) support the design and initiation of prioritized reforms. This initiative is part of the EU-World Bank CreatiFi Program; which supports CCIs in Africa; the Caribbean; and Pacific countries. It is jointly managed by the Competitiveness for Jobs and Economic Transformation (C-JET) Umbrella 2.0 MDTF and the Finance for Development (F4D) Umbrella Trust Funds. C-JET promotes the growth of competitive firms and sectors that drive economic transformation and job creation; while F4D focuses on building deep; inclusive; efficient; and resilient financial systems.OBJECTIVESThe objective of this consultancy is to develop a strategic framework (master plan) for the Creative and Cultural Industries (CCIs) in Lamu County and support the design and initiation of prioritized reforms. CCI firms are engaged in wood carving; boat making/Lamu dhows; Lamu Arts & Herbal medicine; weaving; Lamu ‘Kofia’/Shela Hats; Henna painting; Theatrical Arts and Lamu cuisine. The master plan will provide a roadmap for unlocking the economic potential of CCIs; fostering sustainable growth; and enhancing competitiveness within Lamu’s creative economy. The specific objectives of the assignment are two-fold. Firstly; to inform reform implementation with a focus on business enabling environment and related issues within county reform purview and; secondly to shape mobilization of financial and non-financial services to spur CCI growth. Lessons learned will guide future efforts at county and national levels.SCOPE OF WORKThe selected firm will be responsible for the following tasks; working closely with the World Bank task team and the Lamu County Government technical team:*Activity 1: Produce a Comprehensive Mapping & Assessment of the Lamu CCI*Activity 2: Prepare the Creative and Cultural Industries Master Plan (CIMP)*Activity 3: Technical Assistance for Initiating Reform WorkDELIVERABLES AND TIMELINESThe assignment is expected to be completed within 6 months; including both on-site and remote work.SELECTION CRITERIA QUALIFICATIONSThe assignment should be undertaken by a multidisciplinary team combining international and local expertise with competence and experience in CCI. Excellent written and verbal communication; interpersonal; analytical; and organizational skills are required across board. A team composition that includes members with relevant prior experience in Lamu or the region is preferred but not mandatory. The precise head count and organization of the team is at the discretion of the consulting firm; though a suggestion for skill mix includes: Team Leader and Experts in Culture; MSME Development; Community Engagement & Communication.