KKCF is a six-year program that aims to support private sector development and unlock the economic potential of refugees and their hosts in the Kakuma-Kalobeyei refugee-hosting area. KKCF aims to attract private companies to the area and support local entrepreneurs to create jobs and improve service provision in the Kakuma area. The program targets all private sector players; from small companies and medium-sized family businesses to social enterprises and large firms. For more information; visit https://kkcfke.org/ IFC is seeking to hire a specialized firm to deliver on the following three objectives:1. Calculate the number of direct; indirect; and induced jobs created and/or supported by KKCF2. Assess the impact of job creation by KKCF on fragility in Kakuma Kalobeyei Refugee Hosting Area and/or Turkana County as a whole.3. Calculate the number of people with improved access to services. The proposed assessment methodology should be aligned with the WBG Scorecard FY24-FY30 Methodology Note for the indicator: “Millions of displaced people and people in host communities provided with services and livelihoods.”