IntroductionSafety and health at work are fundamental human rights essential for inclusive economic development. The South Asian Region (SAR) Portfolio review of incidents and fatalities registered between the period 2010 to 2021 revealed that it is important to support the clients and works contractors on Bank Projects and other stakeholders on OHS & CHS. Towards this; the World Bank Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and Community Health and Safety (CHS) Platform for the South Asia Region (SAR) has been under implementation since FY22 and continuing its focus on ensuring safe workplaces and construction practices. The objective of the platform is to support the Bank; and clients implement OHS and CHS requirements under The Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) and its Standards ESS2 and ESS4 of the ESF; respectively; and to eventually implement Bank-financed projects that are safe for workers and communities and to attain zero fatality.Aim of the AssignmentAim: Preparation of Practical Hands-on Safety Manuals on Construction Safety and Associated Training Materials for the PIUs to guide the Contractors; Workers and other stakeholders.