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"Technical study for a 350-400 MWp solar + battery storage project in Tunisia"

  • ISSUE DATE AND TIME: Feb 14,2025 05:08
  • CLOSING DATE AND TIME: Feb 26,2025 23:59

A/ Project contextOver the last decade; the Tunisian energy landscape has been marked by a decline in primary energy resources; continued growth in energy demand; and an increase in energy imports. This has resulted in a structural energy deficit that reached 57% in 2023 compared to 7% in 2010. This situation poses a real problem of energy dependence; which translates into a significant risk of security of supply in the medium and long term.To remedy this alarming situation; Tunisia has been committed for several years to an energy transition policy aimed at setting up an efficient; diversified energy system; less dependent on fossil fuels and meeting the requirements of the country's economic and social development; while preserving the local and global environment by opting for clean and sober energy solutions. Tunisia has ratified the Paris Agreement and has committed in its Nationally Determined Contribution to reduce the carbon intensity of its economy by 41% by 2030 compared to 2010.To achieve the objective of integrating 35% of renewable energy by 2030; a regulatory framework for the development of renewable energy has been in place since 2015; authorizing the private sector to play a more important role in achieving the objectives set by the State; through three investment regimes: concession; authorization; and self-production.Regarding its concession program for large-scale projects; in 2019; a 500 MW solar tender was launched; of which 200 MW is currently under construction and 300 MW is nearing financial close. In 2022; a 1;700 MW tender (1;100 MW solar and 600 MW wind) was launched in three rounds; with an improved tender process incorporating lessons learned from the 2019 tender. In December 2024; 500 MW of solar capacity was awarded for the first round; with competitive bids ranging from 3.1 to 3.3 USc/kWh.Storage in Tunisia is expected to mitigate the variability of the solar plant and transfer some of the electricity during the evening peak. A hybrid project; solar and BESS; can bring different benefits to the grid; such as energy transfer; ancillary services; postponement of transmission and distribution network upgrades; and smoothing out power fluctuations. In this context; and to continue its support to the Tunisian government in accelerating its renewable energy program; the World Bank; in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry; Mines; and Energy (MIME); wishes to carry out a technical study for a 350-400 MWp solar project with battery storage (BESS) in Tunisia.B/ Objective of the mission The Government of Tunisia plans to exploit its exceptional and abundant renewable energy resources to develop in a timely manner solar projects aligned with the objectives of the National Energy Strategy and meeting the current needs of the state-owned operator (STEG). In this context; the World Bank is seeking to recruit a technical consultant (the "Consultant") to evaluate the best functioning and functionalities of the BESS coupled with the [350-400] MWp solar park in Tunisia. This analysis will enable the World Bank to better inform the Tunisian government in the procurement of solar parks. The study also contributes to the broader dialogue at the World Bank on structuring hybrid PPAs. C/ Scope of work and deliverables The Consultant will provide recommendations on the optimal configuration of the solar plant in terms of (i) solar technologies and (ii) storage technologies (including technology and capacity).The technical design will cover each of the following tasks: *Task 1: Kick-Off; Data Collection and capacity building*Task 2: Analysis of the state-of-the art and proposal of technological scenarios*Task 3: Simulation of the optimal operation and functionalities of the BESS*Task 4: Site assessment*Task 5: Technical Analysis*Task 6: Grid Impact Assessment and Possible Development*Task 7: Economic and financial analysis and recommendations*Task 8: Final technical study report i.            Task 1: Kick-Off; Data Collection and capacity building: The Consultant shall:-          Prepare a scoping report presenting (i) the detailed methodology of the mission; (ii) the list of data and documentation required for its completion; (iii) a timetable for the expected completion of all required tasks; meetings and workshops. -          Organize a half-day workshop with the IPP Unit; STEG and all other relevant stakeholders in Tunisia and; if necessary; bilateral meetings with the relevant agencies; to present the draft inception report and obtain comments.-          Finalize report preparation based on feedback received. -          Capacity building plan: The consultant shall conduct a 5-day training program on the topics covered in this mission. This training will aim to enhance the technical and operational knowledge of the client's team; focusing on the optimal configuration of solar and storage technologies; technical design; site assessment; grid impact assessment; and economic and finan                                

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