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"Chile - Verification of an Emission Reduction Program under the FCPF"

  • ISSUE DATE AND TIME: Feb 18,2025 15:07
  • CLOSING DATE AND TIME: Feb 25,2025 23:59

The general objective of this work is to:Conduct the Verification of one Chile’s ER Program against the FCPF applicable criteria as specified in the FCPF Validation and Verification Guidelines. More specifically the objectives are the following:*Verify that the methods and procedures applied to estimate emissions reductions are in accordance with the FCPF MF and VVG and inform the REDD+ Country Programs and the FMT about any non-compliances and observations.*Issue a verification statement that includes the VVB’s opinion addressed to the FCPF Carbon Fund; on the GHG assertion whether representing a positive or negative opinion.        

The World Bank Group reserves the right to publicly disclose contract award information, including but not limited to, name of company receiving the award, brief description of services, and contract award amount, for any contract award valued over US$250,000. Offeror's proposal and contractual documents will remain confidential and therefore not subject to disclosure.

The World Bank Group values supplier diversity and encourages businesses owned by women, minorities, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals, and people with disabilities to participate in this opportunity. Please indicate in the response if you meet one of these diverse categories and specify the certification body you utilize.

The World Bank reserves the right to reject any or all responses without recourse.
