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"Iraq National Education Strategy – Capacity Building and Support to Classrooms Assessment Strategy"

  • ISSUE DATE AND TIME: Dec 25,2024 05:18
  • CLOSING DATE AND TIME: Jan 16,2025 23:59

The Government of Iraq (GOI) has launched the Iraq National Education Strategy 2022-2031 (INES) 2023; which recognizes education as a key driver of human capital development; imperative for sustainable economic growth; shared welfare; and productivity. The World Bank launched a “Technical Assistance (TA) to Education Development in Iraq” (TAEDI) to support the Government of Iraq on the development of key education sector strategies; policies; and analytics. The TA supports the implementation of the INES and aims to support in building capacity across the GOI to promote education and learning outcomes. Activities include building management capacity for effective INES implementation; monitoring and reporting on key INES implementation activities; knowledge sharing; and providing guidance on effective communication tools for education strategies. The World Bank seeks the services of a consulting firm to support the GOI in their implementation of the INES. To that end; the World Bank proposes a program of support on Learning Assessments; specifically Classroom Assessments. This is based on a Learning Assessment Strategy Framework that was previously developed by the GOI with support from the World Bank. The firm will facilitate a participatory development process; which shall include capacity-building activities aimed at strengthening classroom learning assessment in the early years/basic education and also provide support to strengthen the GOI’s national large-scale assessment practices. The selected firm will undertake the following activities: (i) build GOI capacity on the importance of a well-functioning classroom assessment system and programming through workshops; learning courses; exchanges; etc.; (ii) undertake a current needs assessment within Iraq to support the development of a more effective classroom assessment system; (iii) showcase international best practices in classroom assessments and operational planning for learning assessment; and (iv) support the GOI in the development; through co-creation; a classroom assessment strategy and moving from the INES’ long term strategic objectives to actionable activities and outputs that promote better learning outcomes (implementation plans).

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