The Government of Iraq (GOI) has launched the Iraq National Education Strategy 2022-2031 (INES) 2023; which recognizes education as a key driver of human capital development; imperative for sustainable economic growth; shared welfare; and productivity. The World Bank launched a “Technical Assistance (TA) to Education Development in Iraq” (TAEDI) to support the Government of Iraq on the development of key education sector strategies; policies; and analytics. The TA supports the implementation of the INES and aims to support in building capacity across the GOI to promote education and learning outcomes. Activities include building management capacity for effective INES implementation; monitoring and reporting on key INES implementation activities; knowledge sharing; and providing guidance on effective communication tools for education strategies. The World Bank seeks to engage a firm to support the GOI; specifically the inter-ministerial INES committee and line ministries in in strategic management and coordination of the INES implementation and related activities. The firm is expected to (i) support the INES Committee in effective management across ministries; horizontally and vertically; and support them in establishing clear roles; accountability; and reporting structures for the Committee; Sub-Committees and related technical teams and line ministries; (ii) in close collaboration with committee members; develop an operations manual or Terms of Reference that lays out proposed ways of working; reporting; and coordination for the implementation of the INES across ministries; vertically and horizontally; (iii) conduct a needs assessment to identify capacity gaps within the INES Committee; sub-committees; and relevant staff in line ministries responsible for effective delivery of the INES; (iv) and design and deliver a tailored training program addressing the identified needs; including with a focus on change management; intra- and inter-committee coordination; stakeholder engagement; effective set up and communication; (v) identify best practice examples of cross-ministerial implementation of education strategies across the world and with a focus on the MENA region; (vi) organize exchanges; study tours and related training. The firm is expected to deliver: (i) an operations manual for the INES committee as it oversees implementation of the INES activities (ii) a needs assessment report; (iii) a series of targeted workshops; training sessions; study tours and exchanges; training courses to support the committee in its functions; and (iv) key reports (including a final report) summarizing the progress and recommendations for future capacity-building.