Objectives of Ukraine Government PPFAs part of the integrated project preparation framework; the Ukraine Government PPF objectives are to support Ukraine in preparing specific projects identified by the GoU under the SPP as priorities through the project cycle; while at the same time building GoU capacity to handle more projects over time. While the initial focus of the PPF will be priority repair and recovery needs funded from public sources (including GoU budget; DFI and IFI financing); over time it can be used as a vehicle and entity to support broader reconstruction efforts; including through PPPs and private finance; and additional financial instruments.To facilitate the operations of the Ukraine Government PPF; the World Bank is hiring a Management Support Contractor (MSC) under the Preparing Reconstruction Opportunities for Ukraine’s Development (PROUD) project. The MSC will be hired for an initial 1-year period; with potential for extension to 3 years; under the institutional framework laid out in the attached draft Terms of Reference (ToR).