The World Bank has secured a grant from the Korea-World Bank Partnership Facility (KWPF) to provide technical and legal analytics and advisory to enhance the understanding on decentralization and digitalization of the land administration system; and establishment of a digital land valuation and taxation system. This TA project will be formally launched during the FIG Regional Conference scheduled on November 14-16; 2024; at Kathmandu; Nepal (more information at: The consultancy services will support the Government of Nepal in planning the digitalization and decentralization of the land administration system; and establishment of a digital land valuation and taxation system by providing detailed assessments and recommendations based on international good practices; and by organizing a relevant study tour or learning exchange. Specifically; the Consulting Assignment will produce: 1) Technical assessment and recommendations for digitalization of the land administration system; 2) Technical assessment and recommendations for decentralization of the land administration services; 3) Technical assessment and recommendations for the establishment of a digital land and property valuation and taxation system; 4) Technical assessment and recommendations on the legal and regulatory gaps and necessary changes to facilitate and enable digitalization and decentralization of the land administration system and establishment of digital land and property valuation and taxation system; 5) Final workshop to present the key findings and recommendations; and 6) Technical report summarizing the key findings; lessons learned; and good practices relevant to Nepal’s context from the organized study tour and learning exchange. Aside from the review of literature and secondary data; interviews; focus group discussions and meetings; stakeholder engagements; the assessments shall be based on the collection of field evidence in at least three municipalities under the following categories: metropolitan; sub-metropolitan and urban municipality. Also; the field data collection should also be done at the district offices (2-3) of the Survey Office (SO) and Land Revenue Office (LRO) that cover the target municipalities. The World Bank and the Ministry of Land Management; Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation may recommend these sites. The World Bank is looking for interested international consultancy firms or local firms with proven international experience using a competitive process. The consulting assignment will be for nine (9) months.