The Government of Iraq (GOI) is committed to advancing digital transformation to promote economic growth and job creation through the development of robust; reliable; efficient; and secure digital solutions. The World Bank’s 2022 Digital Government Readiness Assessment (DGRA) report assesses Iraq’s e-government through nine pillars; identifying strengths and weaknesses with actionable recommendations. Furthermore; the 2021 Iraq Infrastructure Sector Assessment Program (InfraSAP) report offers insights for the prioritization of investments in the digital sector to build sustainable infrastructure and enhance private-sector participation.The World Bank seeks a qualified vendor with expertise in digital transformation to: (i) support the World Bank in leveraging best practices for the application of the DGRA’s priority recommendations; and (ii) assist the World Bank in developing the analytical foundations and enablers for e-government initiatives in the Republic of Iraq. Key activities and deliverables include:Activity 1: Application of the DGRA’s priority recommendations(1) National vision and strategy for e-government; (2) Stakeholder engagement workshops and communication/consultation around e-government; (3) Alignment of digital government with the National Reform Agenda; and (4) Deployment planning and prioritization of digital reforms and activities.Activity 2: Foundations and enablers of e-government* (1) Data hosting and cloud readiness assessment report with recommendations; (2) Digital ID Diagnostic and Use Cases report; (3) Assessment report on the ecosystem for trusted data sharing in Iraq; (4) Review of the legal; regulatory and data governance framework for digital transformation; and (5) Stakeholder consultation workshops related to data hosting; digital public infrastructure (i.e.; digital ID; e-signature; trusted data sharing); and legal and regulatory reforms. Local presence and/or ability to travel frequently to Iraq (especially Baghdad) is a must.