• ISSUE DATE AND TIME: Sep 16,2024 05:45
  • CLOSING DATE AND TIME: Sep 25,2024 23:59

The World Bank seeks to hire consultancy services of an experienced institution/ firm to conduct a general process evaluation with two additional specific sub-topics for which processes; issues and opportunities will be investigated in detail: childcare demand and mobile money utilization.The consultancy will in particular cover the following aspects:-          Description of how the Gbessoke Productive Social Safety Net is operating in practice; in particular in terms of the identification of beneficiaries; access to identification documents and mobile money accounts; training provided to support the development of income-generating activities; and cash transfers -          Feedback from direct beneficiaries on their experience as recipients of the cash transfers and training; in particular in terms of potential impact on empowerment; household dynamics; care duties; utilization of mobile money. This feedback should be gathered as part of focus groups and individual surveys.-          Feedback from social workers; local government officials and community leaders on the perceived efficacy of Gbessoke; issues related to the reliance on mobile money; the development of income-generating activities and childcare duties. This feedback should be gathered through individual surveys.The study aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the experience of beneficiaries and their communities with the GPSSNP. Two specific subtopics will be explored in great detail as part of separate reports: the utilization of mobile money for the GPSSNP cash transfers and the implications of the program on childcare duties. For the latter; the analysis will cover the available supply of childcare services; chosen childcare options for GPSSNP mothers of young children; demand for childcare services; as well as norms and cultural issues associated with childcare in the communities.

The World Bank Group reserves the right to publicly disclose contract award information, including but not limited to, name of company receiving the award, brief description of services, and contract award amount, for any contract award valued over US$250,000. Offeror's proposal and contractual documents will remain confidential and therefore not subject to disclosure.

The World Bank Group values supplier diversity and encourages businesses owned by women, minorities, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals, and people with disabilities to participate in this opportunity. Please indicate in the response if you meet one of these diverse categories and specify the certification body you utilize.

The World Bank reserves the right to reject any or all responses without recourse.
