Adapt & Implement Scalable Nutrition Sensitive and Climate Resilient KG and SLP Models for Poor HHs

  • ISSUE DATE AND TIME: Sep 16,2024 05:46
  • CLOSING DATE AND TIME: Sep 30,2024 23:59

BackgroundDespite significant gains in human development; poor nutrition remains a pressing challenge in Bangladesh. Almost a quarter of all children under five are stunted and/or underweight; with outcomes twice as worse in the poorest quintile compared to the richest quintile.  Moreover; the rate of overweight ever married women has increased almost three times (12% to 32%) over a decade while 37% women of reproductive age are anemic. Consumption of more nutritious foods has remained slow: not only are diets poorer at the household level but are even poorer for women and children. This suggests that access to nutritious foods at the household level does not automatically translate into access for women and children. Such nutritional status of women and children have long term implications for cognitive development; adult outcomes; and economic productivity; and can persist into subsequent generations creating an intergenerational cycle of malnutrition and detrimentally impacting individual and population level productivity and economic potential. Under these circumstances; nutrition-sensitive programs can help to protect the assets and welfare of poor people and their investments in the health; nutrition; and development of their children. Review of evidence from Africa and Asia suggests that Kitchen Gardening (KG) and Small Livestock Production (SLP) interventions have the potential to contribute to improved household nutrition. Research suggests that programs that are gender sensitive; and include nutrition education; counseling; and capital investments; significantly improved the nutritional outcomes; primarily through an improvement in dietary choices as well as a general increase in food consumption.  Considering these; the WB team intends to design and pilot nutrition sensitive; climate resilient and scalable KG and SLP models that can be adopted by poor households in different geographical locations to improve their dietary diversity and increase resilience to meet their own nutritional needs; with a specific focus on women and children. The models will be piloted primarily with the beneficiaries  of the Mother and Child Benefit Programme (MCBP); implemented by the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MoWCA) and supported by the World Bank-financed Bangladesh Enhancing Investments and Benefits for Early Years (BEIBEY) Project. Lessons from implementation will be used to potentially scale up the intervention across the country for all MCBP beneficiaries as well as for other social safety net beneficiaries. ObjectivesThe objective of the assignment is to implement simple; adaptable; and sustainable KG and SLP practices among vulnerable households to strengthen their food and nutrition security. Specific objectives of the assignment are;  *Identify and adapt KG and SLP models that can be adapted by poor households in selected geographical locations based on vulnerability maps; ecological profile; climate sustainability; and local supply chains.  *Build capacity of not less than 150 households in select locations on climate-resilient and nutrition-sensitive KG and SLP models to promote the cultivation and consumption of nutritionally adequate and sustainable diets. This will also include sharing recipes that utilize the produce from KGs and SLPs and are adapted to local taste and culinary style. *Provide necessary production inputs; including raw materials and trainings; to initiate and ensure effective operation and management of the KG and SLP at selected households and community level. *Conduct Behavioral Change Counselling (BCC); which encourages production; preparation; and consumption of nutritionally adequate and environmentally sustainable diets by raising awareness about their short- and long-term benefits. Train and engage community volunteers and extension workers to provide counseling; advisory and input support to the beneficiaries. *Monitor implementation progress and assess effectiveness and outcome of the interventions and make recommendations for refinement and sustainability.                    

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