The Government of Senegal (“GoS”) has prepared PMUD; an urban mobility plan for Dakar initially (other cities to be added). PMUD aims at improving mobility for a dynamic and growing city while reducing emissions and pollution. PMUD contains various projects (waste to biofuel production; cable car; transit real estate; traffic management) that are ready to be implemented as public private partnerships (PPP) as well as other in preparation. Among the projects is a waste to biofuel production plant; which would provide biogas to 900+ gas powered buses that GoS intends to deploy for public transport in Dakar. The biofuel project aims at creating a sustainable supply of fuel (such as GNC) for the 900+ public transport gas buses through the conversion of waste into biofuels by a private operator of the plant (the “Project”). It will be deployed in 3 phases along the deployment of the gas powered fleet.IFC will be assisting GoS in the implementation of the activities of PMUD under a programmatic approach. IFC is soliciting expressions of interest (EoI) from a biofuel / biogas technical firm specialized in waste to energy to produce biofuel such as methane; GNC; etc; to support in all technical (feasibility; technology; processes; inputs; etc.); commercial; biofuel produced; costing and other relevant technical aspects of the Project (the “Consultant”). The Consultant will support IFC in the implementation of the Project in 2 phases:Phase 1 would cover due diligence and structuring of the transaction. Phase 2 will cover implementation; tender or negotiations with private sector partners up to closing of the transaction. The Consultant will work in collaboration with other IFC-hired consultants and in particular with the environment and social firm and the legal counsel of IFC and will be part of the IFC’s transaction team. Close collaboration should also be expected with other IFC consultants (such as communication)