Indonesia Options Study for fixed broadband expansion using passive electricity infrastructure

  • ISSUE DATE AND TIME: Jul 11,2024 05:38
  • CLOSING DATE AND TIME: Jul 18,2024 23:59

Indonesia has made impressive progress expanding usage of internet (66 percent of Indonesians used the internet in 2022; a 49 percent increase since 2019) and the reduction of connectivity gaps between rural and urban households from 31 percentage points to 10 in the same period. However; inclusion and demand-satisfying quality continue to be a challenge; as shown by the geographical connectivity disparities (e.g.; only 31 percent of adults in Papua uses internet) and the lagging average speed compared to regional peers (the second lowest in ASEAN for both mobile and fixed broadband).To this end; the World Bank is studying options for expanding fixed broadband penetration in Indonesia; including through open access fixed broadband networks deployed through passive electricity infrastructure in current unserved areas. A preliminary analysis by the World Bank has been conducted showing potentially positive results. Another key consideration in connecting more villages is the importance of aggregating procurement of FTTH services at the subdistrict and village level (e.g.; schools; health facilities; and local government offices); which would act as ‘anchor demand’ for rolling out to these locations and can have a multiplier effect for a wider productive internet usage and demand; thus further strengthening the investment case.The objective of this assignment is to provide the World Bank with analysis and recommendations on the feasibility and options to leverage the passive electricity network infrastructure to deploy open-access fiber optic fixed broadband in rural and underserved areas of Indonesia. The analysis will build on the World Bank’s preliminary assessment; which will be shared with the winning bidder.

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