• ISSUE DATE AND TIME: Oct 19,2023 05:37
  • CLOSING DATE AND TIME: Nov 10,2023 00:59

CEG’s ESG Advisory Program promotes sustainability standards for private sector development in EMDEs through three objectives: (1) develop global networks of ESG leadership; (2) build sustainable and transparent markets; and (3) support clients to become ESG leaders. Over the past years; IFC has leveraged its globally respected CG Methodology to generate knowledge products and build capacity at firm and market levels. Knowledge products have included specimen documents and assessment guides to guide financial institutions in building their capacities to improve corporate governance practices. Climate; environmental & social risk management is integral to managing corporate governance and ESG risks for financial institutions. Under its Sustainability Policy; IFC integrates climate adaptation as part of sustainability activity. The ESG Advisory Program is contributing to further position IFC as a thought leader in addressing climate change and ESG risk management and performance. In FY23; IFC published its Climate Governance Progression Matrix; based on its well-established CG Methodology. This tool is to assist Boards of Directors in identifying and overseeing climate-related risks and opportunities ( <> ).  IFC now seeks to build on these efforts and further address knowledge gaps in the corporate governance space by developing new and enhancing existing tools and learning programs to increase the scale and uptake of good E&S and climate governance practices in financial institutions working in EMDEs. The consultancy firm shall provide specialist support by developing specimen documents tailored to Financial Institutions (FIs). Specimen documents will serve as model policies to guide IFC’s FI clients in developing and adopting internal policies on corporate governance and climate governance aligned to good international industry practices. The Consultant shall accordingly integrate good international industry practices in ESG into the specimen documents; drawing from the updated IFC CG Methodology; IFC Climate Governance Progression Matrix; IFC Performance Standards; and significant international sustainability standards; as applicable. The latter include; but are not limited to the Equator Principles; standards of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; ISO 31000 (Risk Management); ISO 19600 (Compliance Management Systems); COSO Enterprise Risk Management; the Institute of Internal Auditors standards and its white papers relating to the role of internal audit in relation to sustainability and climate-related risks.

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