The Government of Uzbekistan (GoU) is investing in its healthcare system in an effort to provide more access to better healthcare for its citizens. As part of this investment; GoU is considering rationalising its healthcare infrastructure and providing newly build; modern facilities to replace a number of outdated and single specialty hospitals in Samarkand; Jizzakh and Kashkadaria oblasts (the Oblasts). It envisages delivering new hospitals through a Private Finance Initiative (PFI); one of the infrastructure Public-Private Partnership (PPP) models; whereby a competitively selected private partner is expected to design; build; finance and maintain the new multidisciplinary greenfield hospital; while the public partner will continue to be responsible for the provision of all clinical services (the Project).In this context; IFC’s PPP Transaction Advisory is supporting the Ministry of Health (MOH); and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MOEF); together the Client; in defining and structuring this PPP as well as attracting a qualified private investor for the above-noted purposes.The Project will be implemented in three phases: * Phase 0 – Preliminary Regional Assessment and Project Concept Development (supply and demand; defining the new hospitals and affordability assessment); * Phase 1 – Project Structuring; and * Phase 2 – Tender Process.At this stage; IFC is recruiting a technical consultant (the Consultant) to carry out the preliminary analysis (Phase 0) which includes an assessment of the demand and supply of healthcare services in the Oblasts with forward-looking estimates till the end of the project term; review of existing hospital infrastructure (including clinical profile and condition; regional plans); demographics that will impact the Project and identify the most appropriate existing facilities/hospital operations that should form part of the Project