CLOSING DATE AND TIME: NOVEMBER 24, 2021 @ 6:00 PM EST The World Bank Group Carbon Markets and Innovation Unit invites statements of qualification on which to base the selection of firms for providing virtual event management services for the Innovate4Climate (I4C) conference (May 23-26, 2022). Contractors are expected to provide dependable and efficient virtual event management services for ~5000 attendees from over 100 countries. The virtual event management firm is expected to provide a comprehensive set of services, including the following areas, among others: (i) event registration; (ii) building, maintaining and updating event platform; (iii) video production; (iv) recording of plenaries; (v) streaming of live sessions; (vi) technical support during the live event; (vii) help with the design of the event and sessions. The firm is expected to demonstrate a track record of designing and delivering high-level, large-scale virtual events against tight timelines. |