CLOSING DATE AND TIME: August 24, 2022 @ 06:00 PM EST
The World Bank Group invites qualified firms licensed to provide one unlimited use, 1:1 internet circuit of 50 Mbps. The said circuit is to be installed in The World Bank’s Office (WBG) in Yaounde, Cameroon
The Link Configuration shall be 50 Mbps Uplink, 50 Mbps Downlink, 1:1 internet connection a dual local loop / last mile circuits (fiber with wireless backup and automatic failover) and at least 8 contiguous static public IP addresses. The IP addresses will be from a /29 network. All PTT and ISP network equipment for the link will be leased from the contractor. The provider should have access to diverse international fiber and the link should be routed on best-route international fiber with a backup route to another international fiber. The provider should failover to the backup international route should the primary route go down or performance degrades. The link will be terminated on a Bank owned firewall or similar device at the Country Office. The link will be used to carry data traffic in IP format and the required interface is 100/1000Mbps Ethernet. The roundtrip delay of the provided link, between World Bank Yaounde, Cameroon and World Bank HQ in Washington, must not exceed 300 ms in normal operations.
Bidder shall have proven track record or business expertise in the area of Internet Link services for reputable multi-national companies in Yaounde, Cameroon for not less than 3 years.
Bidder must attest that it has all the required licenses, permits and related paperwork to operate Internet Link services in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations of the jurisdiction wherein it is providing the services. For bidders provides ISP link through local dealer/vendor, they should provide copy of business license of respective local dealer/vendor.
The solicitation may be obtained by sending an email to the designated Category Manager, referencing the following information:
1. Solicitation Number
2. Company Name
3. Contact Person Name and Title
4. Address
5. Telephone Number
6. Fax Number
7. Contact's Email Address
A copy of the solicitation will be sent to organizations that have replied to and are eligible to receive this advertisement. All requests and questions regarding this solicitation shall be directed to the following designated Corporate Procurement Category Manager(s):
Category Manager's Name and email address. ( Lilyana Stoyanova;