The solicitation may be obtained by sending an email to the designated Category Manager, referencing the following information:
1. Solicitation Number
2. Company Name
3. Contact Person Name and Title
4. Address
5. Telephone Number
6. Fax Number
7. Contact's Email Address
A copy of the solicitation will be sent to organizations that have replied to and are eligible to receive this advertisement. All requests and questions regarding this solicitation shall be directed to the following designated Corporate Procurement Category Manager(s):
Stefan Gospodinov,
The World Bank Group (WBG) will disclose or exchange certain proprietary and confidential information, and they desire that the recipient keep such information confidential, and use it only in connection with the following purposes: To participate in an RFP process whereby, Offeror will be given access to the relevant WBG internal “Official Use Only” or “Confidential” documents. A signed Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) will be required prior to releasing the solicitation. Parties will receive the NDA via email and will be required to return the signed NDA prior to receiving the solicitation documentation.