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Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics 2024—The Great Incoherence: Growth and Human Development in An Era of Stagnation

July 9-10, 2024
Preston Auditorium, World Bank & Birdsall House Conference Center, Center for Global Development, Washington, DC & Virtual

The World Bank Group’s Annual Conference on Development Economics—ABCDE—is a 35-year-old forum to stimulate an exchange of ideas between leaders in global policy discussions and researchers, policymakers, and development practitioners from the Bank’s member countries. Established in 1989 and organized by the World Bank’s Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC), ABCDE became the premier venue for cutting-edge insights on how to tackle the most pressing challenges of development. Several younger researchers presenting papers went on to become Nobel Prize winners. The conference also played a role in shaping the global consensus on development policy. 

Beginning in 2024, ABCDE will be co-sponsored by partnership that rotates every two years. For the 2024 conference, the Center for Global Development will be the World Bank Group’s partner.

ABCDE 2024 sponsors logos


  • DATE: July 9–10, 2024
  • Venue (In-Person): Preston Auditorium, World Bank & Birdsall House Conference Center, Center for Global Development, Washington, DC
  • Virtual: Zoom

Day 1 Opening Remarks, Keynote, and Plenary Panel