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World Bank Assists Montenegro in Management of Industrial Waste

September 19, 2014

WASHINGTON, September 19, 2014 – The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved a EUR 50 million loan (US$68.9 million equivalent) for the Industrial Waste Management and Cleanup Project for Montenegro. The project will contribute to protecting Montenegro’s natural resources and reducing public health risks from exposure to selected industrial waste disposal sites that have significant environmental impacts

With support from this project, the selected industrial waste disposal sites will be fully remediated, and future hazardous waste from industries related to these sites will be disposed of in compliance with Montenegrin and EU legislation

This project will not only reduce the risk to public health, but will also protect some of the country’s natural resources unique to Europe – important assets for Montenegro’s economic development, including the development of the tourism sector,” said Anabela Abreu, World Bank Country Manager for Montenegro. “Industrial waste management and the management of other categories of hazardous waste are critical to environmental sustainability in Montenegro.

Strengthening the regulatory framework and supporting the development of infrastructure for the management and proper disposal of ongoing industrial hazardous waste production are important elements of the project to support both the industries related to the cleanup sites, as well as other waste generators adopting environmentally acceptable solutions for future waste generation

The World Bank portfolio of active projects in Montenegro now includes five operations, totaling approximately US$137 million.  Areas of support include environment, agriculture and rural development, land administration, higher education, and energy

Media Contacts
In Washington
Kristyn Schrader-King
Tel : 1 202 458-2736
In Sarajevo
Jasmina Hadžić
Tel : 387 (33) 251-502



