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Tunisia: A new Country Partnership Strategy for 2010-2013

February 4, 2010

The World Bank Group’s Country Partnership Strategy (CPS, for the period FY10-13) sets out the enhanced strategic engagement in Tunisia in support of the country’s 11th National Development Plan (NDP). The NDP charts an ambitious course to generate sufficient employment through transforming Tunisia’s economy to a higher value-added, knowledge-intensive one. Alignment with the NDP, flexibility in approach and selectivity in the areas of engagement are the core principles of the CPS.

The Government and the World Bank Group have agreed on three CPS strategic pillars:

  1. employment, growth and competitiveness;

  2. sustainable development and climate change; and

  3. improving the quality of service delivery.

Within these pillars, the CPS outlines a partnership program which is grouped into results areas that facilitate focusing activities and tracking impact. The rolling nature of the NDP obliges the Bank Group’s program to be flexible, responding to challenges and demands as they present themselves. As the program is implemented, the Bank and Government will jointly assess progress and update results and indicators to reflect the increased specificity of the program and to ensure continued alignment.

The CPS sets out the strategic direction for the World Bank Group to step up its engagement, reflects a strengthening of the partnership with Tunisia and provides an excellent opportunity for the Bank to provide enhanced support to a well performing, middle-income country.

The CPS outlines a lending program up to $280 million for FY10 and an indicative lending program for FY11-13, as well as details how the Bank’s regional integration initiatives and its management of global funds can benefit Tunisia. The CPS discusses the risks faced by Tunisia and the Bank Group’s program and describes the measures for mitigating these risks.

The World Bank’s dissemination schedule of the CPS for the coming months includes a comprehensive diversity of audiences as well as decentralized presentations which will take place in key Tunisian cities outside the capital.

