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Narrating Behavior Change
May 16-20, 2016Mexico City, Mexico

From May 16-20, 2016 the Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) delivered an impact evaluation workshop in Mexico City, Mexico, aligning researchers, practitioners and producers from entertainment hubs including Hollywood, Nollywood and Bollywood to design and evaluate behavior change campaigns under a new DIME program: Entertainment Education. The workshop was led by DIME in collaboration with the Inter-American Development Bank. Twenty-two projects from Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia were present at the workshop. The workshop created and expanded new partnerships with the different research centers and producers of entertainment education. Workshop researchers and producers included representatives from the following organizations: Bocconi University, University of Pennsylvania, USC The Norman Lear Center, USC Hollywood Health & Society, UCLA Global Media Center, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, University of California San Diego, University of California Berkeley, Penn State University, University of Colorado at Boulder and Imperial College; UNAIDS, MTV Staying Alive Foundation, Search for Common Ground, Discover the Journey, One Drop Foundation, Asian Center for Entertainment Education and CEO - The Third Eye, The ONE Campaign, Fireworx Media, Cinepolis-Cinemapark, Ncite Neuromedia, Children's Film Society of India, Life Changing Experiences, TV Azteca, TV Globo and Fun Academy

Behavior change campaigns are all around us. By providing information and invoking socially acceptable norms, these campaigns aim to guide us towards positive behavior change.  Governments and development agencies invest millions of dollars every year in behavior change campaigns, including handwashing, safe sex, and gender-based violence. However, many of these campaigns are unconvincing, lack inspiring narratives, and are communicated through outmoded and uninteresting outlets such as billboards and leaflets. Systematic reviews of these campaigns from risky sexual behavior to handwashing persistently show little or no effect on behavior.

Storytellers, behavioral scientists can make behavior change campaigns more effective. The World Bank’s 2015 World Development Report “Mind, Society and Behavior” notes that entertainment-education or the purposeful use of mass media entertainment provide role models that could improve audiences’ sense of self efficacy. Mass media campaigns have the power to update audience views of what is “normal” and socially acceptable behavior, especially among poor and less educated populations.

The objective of this workshop is to provide participants with tools that would help them design effective mass media behavior change campaigns and impact evaluations for their own projects. The workshop will introduce cutting-edge techniques of impact evaluation and new measurement instruments, will build an understanding of their importance for policymaking and program design, and, using a hands-on approach, will equip participants with skills like constructing a results chain and applying impact evaluation and measurement techniques to their own projects. The workshop invites projects planning to conduct entertainment education or mass media behavior change campaigns, especially in the areas of Water, Health, and Gender Empowerment. The workshop is designed for teams composed of government policymakers, technical staff, and World Bank task team leaders, as well as for development partners, all working on projects with a component of media behavior change campaigns.

Presenter Bios


Last Updated: Jul 27, 2016


DAY 1: Monday, May 16, 2016

9:00 - 9:50 AM

(Plenary Session)

Welcome and Introductory Remarks

Gerardo Corrochano, Colombia and Mexico Country Director - World Bank

Pablo Kuri-Morales, Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion – Ministry of Health, Mexico

Lorena Guillé Laris, Director - Cinepolis Foundation, Mexico

Alberto Begné Guerra, Undersecretary of Crime Prevention and Citizen Participation - Ministry of Interior, Mexico

Arianna Legovini, Manager - World Bank Development Impact Evaluation

9:50– 10:35 AM


Keynote address: Social Norms and the Promise of Mass Media Entertainment  

Eliana La Ferrara, Professor - Bocconi University
Keynote Presentation

10:35 – 11:25 AM

(Plenary Session)

Impact Evaluation for Real Time Policy Making

Arianna Legovini, Manager - World Bank Development Impact Evaluation (DIME)

11:25 – 11:40 AM

Coffee Break

11:40 - 12:00 PM

(Plenary Session)

The Theory of Change of Behavior Change Campaigns  and Common Challenges

Chair:  Jacqueline Devine, Head of World Bank Behavior Change Community of Practice

This session will discuss main theories of change of behavior change campaigns and will be a facilitated discussion within each project to identify the challenges in promoting changes in behavior outcomes under such theories.

12:00-1:05 PM

(Plenary Session)

Maximizing the Effectiveness of Behavior Change Campaigns (BCC) through Behavioral Research

Chair: Vincenzo di Maro, Senior Economist

Flaura Winston, Scientific Director - The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and Professor - University of Pennsylvania: Effective Health BCC Cases in the US

Johanna Blakley, Research Director - USC The Norman Lear Center: Leveraging mass media entertainment for behavior change

Noam Angrist, Founder - Young1ove: Calibrating Effective HIV behavior change camaigns in Sub-Sahara Africa

1:05 - 2:35 PM


2:35-3:40 PM

(Plenary Session)

Impact Opportunities 1: Using Television Soaps for Behavior Change

Chair:  Victor Orozco, Economist - World Bank

Suzanne Duryea, Principal Researcher Economist - IADB: The Effects of Soaps on Fertility Rates in Brazil

Eliana La Ferrara, Professor - Bocconi University: The Effects of MTV Shuga on risky sexual behaviors and gender-based violence in Nigeria

Lindsay Branham, Co-Founder - Discover the Journey: Mobile Cinema Screenings in a psychosocial intervention in the Democratic Republic of Congo

3:40 - 4:45 PM

(Plenary Session) (Coffee Break 4:15 – 4:30 PM)

Impact Opportunities 2: Behavioral Science in Development

Chair: Kevin Croke, Economist - World Bank

Varun Gauri, Head of the World Bank Global Insights Initiative: Behavioral Economics in the World Bank

Juan Jose Miranda, Economist - World Bank: Behavioral applications for water conservation in Costa Rica

Josh Graff Zivin, Professor - UC San Diego: Behavioral applications for Energy conservation in the United States

4:50 – 6:00 PM


Introduction to the Group Work Clinics & Group Work Clinic I

Moderator: Laura Costica, Mexico DIME Field Coordinator

Participants will work in groups. Each group will select one project on which it will work for the remainder of the week. Each project will have at least one IE specialist supporting the intervention and evaluation design. At the end of each day, each group will submit their intervention design, results chain and research questions in electronic format to their moderator, using a PowerPoint template.

Grout Work Clinic I: Brainstorming about interventions to work on during the group work clinics.

7:00 PM

Welcome reception dinner : Restaurante “El Lago” in Chapultepec


DAY 2: Tuesday, May 17, 2016

9:00 – 10:45AM

(Parallel sessions by language)



Measuring Impact I – Experimental Methods


Paul Gertler, Professor-UC Berkeley


Sebastian Martinez, Principal Economist-IADB


Marcus Holmlund,

 Economist-World Bank


Pedro Rosa Dias, Professor-Imperial College

·    Impact Evaluation

·    Causality /Causal Inference

·    Randomized Assignment

10:45 – 11:00AM

Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:25 PM

(Plenary Session)

Impact Opportunities 3: Using Community-level interventions to promote Behavior Change

Chair:  Germán Sturzenegger, Water & Sanitation Senior Specialist - IADB

- Paul Gertler, Professor - UC Berkeley: The Limited Effects of Large-scale Handwashing Campaigns. Multi-country study

- Irma Condori, Consejo de Salud Rural Andino: Using Community theatre to promote Hygiene behaviors in Bolivia

- Lynda Rey, Evaluation Director - One Drop Foundation

- Georgiana Braga-Orillard, UNAIDS - Brazil Country Director: Using Edutainment to Combat HIV/AIDS in Brazil

12:25 – 1:05 PM

(Plenary Session)

Measuring Session 1: Measuring Cognitive and Non-cognitive impacts 
Chair: Suzanne Duryea, Principal Researcher Economist- IADB

- Stephen Leff, Professor - University of Pennsylvania: Integrating Assessment of Social Beliefs and Behaviors in the Context of Aggression and Bullying Prevention
- Fuyuan Shen, Professor - Penn State University: Measuring implicit health attitudes

1:05 - 2:30 PM


2:30 - 3:40 PM

Policymaker Panel: Why invest in Entertainment-education and its research?

Chair:  Arianna Legovini, Manager-DIME World Bank

- Kate Folb, Director - USC Hollywood Health & Society

- Richard Warburton, Campaign Director - MTV Staying Alive Foundation

- Deborah Jones, Executive Producer-Search for Common Ground

- Aidan Coville, Economist-World Bank

- Maria Elena Figueroa, Evaluation Director-Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

3:40 – 6:00 PM

(Group Session)


(Coffee Break 4:15 – 4:30 PM)


Group Work Clinic II: Designing evidence based interventions, Establishing a Results Chain, discussing Research Questions

Moderators: Impact Evaluation Specialists

This session will (i) Discuss incorporating evidence based interventions into their project design in order to maximize impact; (ii) Establish a results chain for the chosen project. The moderator will then take the group through a framework for establishing a results chain and participants will identify what needs/problems their programs aim to address, and what assumptions they are making that might break the results chain should they not be true’ and (iii)  Determine the research questions to be answered by the impact evaluation.

7:30 PM – 9:30 PM



DAY 3: Wednesday, May 18, 2016

9:00 - 10:45 AM

(Parallel sessions by language)



Measuring Impact II: Non-experimental Methods


Vincenzo di Maro, Senior Economist-World Bank


Christian Borja, Economist-World Bank


Marcus Holmlund,

 Economist-World Bank


Caio Piza

Economist-World Bank

·    Regression Discontinuity

·    Difference-in-Differences

·    Instrumental Variables 

10:45 – 11:00 AM

Coffee Break

11:00 – 1:00 AM

Case Study: Telephone Campaigns to Encourage Child Vaccination (courtesy of MIT-JPAL)

Moderator: Laura Costica, Mexico DIME Field Coordinator

The theoretical concepts discussed on Days 2 and 3 in the policy and technical sessions will be reinforced through group work on a case study. The case study will focus on the various identification strategies and methodologies for constructing a counterfactual.

1:00 - 2:30 PM


2:30 – 3:30 PM


Policymaker Panel: Public-Private Partnerships in Entertainment-education

Chair:  Sandra de Castro Buffington, Director - UCLA Global Media Center

- Maria Correia, World Bank Lead Gender Specialist (Global), the WEevolve initiative in Fashion

- Vinta Nanda, Managing Director - Asian Center for Entertainment Education and CEO - The Third Eye: What’s new in Bollywood? (India)

- Edwin Ikhuoria, Nigeria Country Director - The ONE Campaign: Engaging citizens through social media (Nigeria)

- Neil Brandt, Executive Producer - Fireworx Media: Producing edutainment in many hubs (South Africa)

- Monica Dias Pinto, Development Manager -Roberto Marinho Foundation: Innovating with TeleFutura (Brazil)

3:30 – 4:30 PM

(4:00 Coffee Break)

Policymaker Panel: Entertainment-education in Mexico and success stories in behavioral and institutional changes

Chair and Presenter: Lorena Guillé Laris, Director - Cinepolis Foundation: Cinépolis and Edutainment in Mexico

- Adriana Cepeda: Cinema Park CEO: A scaled up edutainment program

- Layda Negrete, Producer: The Policy impact of the documentary "Presumed Guilty"

- Oscar Mertz, Advisor – Azteca Foundation: La Esperanza Azteca and Music

- Emilio Medina, General Director of Optimus Creative Media: Bringing science to communities through Mobile Museum

4:30 – 5:30 PM

(Group Session)

Group Work Clinic III: Identification Strategy and Mechanisms

Moderators: Impact Evaluation Specialists

Project teams will work in small groups, along with moderators, to design an impact evaluation strategy for their chosen project. They will also think through the mechanisms worth experimentally evaluating as separate treatment arms.  

5:30 – 7:00 PM


7:00 - 9:00 PM

Going to the Movies: Screening of Entertainment-Education productions

Movie theatre screening of entertainment-education productions of leading entertainment producers. The screenings will be followed by a producer panel.

Screenings of WEevolve (5 MINS), Blindspot (15 MINS), Madame Prime Minister (5 MINS) and Cinemapark (45 MINS).  

Chair: Lorena Guille Laris, Director - Cinepolis Foundation.

Panelists: Ori Yardeni,  CEO - Life Changing Experiences,  Maria Correia, World Bank Lead Gender Specialist, Alex Balassa, Director - Blindspot Pictures, and Deborah Jones, Creative Director - Search for Common Ground.


DAY 4: Thursday, May 19, 2016

9:00 - 10:10 AM

(Plenary Session)

Impact Opportunities 4: Using Transmedia and new ICT technologies to sustain behavior change

Chair and Presenter: Kate Folb, Director - USC Hollywood Health & Society: Using Social Media to sustain behavior change

- Josh Graff Zivin, Professor - UC San Diego: Using SMS to increase adherence to HIV treatment in Kenya

- Ori Yardeni, CEO - Life Changing Experiences: Deciding how the road safety soap opera goes in your phone

- Luis “Chapulín” Diaz, Professional Car Racer and Ambassador - Mexico’s Road Safety Campaign

10:10 - 11:25 PM

(Plenary Session)

Impact Opportunities 5: New Frontiers of Entertainment-Education and Behavior Change Campaigns
Chair: Christian Borja, Economist - World Bank

- Sandra de Castro Buffington, Director - UCLA Global Media Center: Testing content before going life and other innovations

- Jochen Siess, Co-Founder - Ncite Neuromedia Inc: Videogames for skills-development

- Shravan Kumar, CEO - Children's Film Society of India and Central Board of Film Certification

- Sanna Lukander, Co-Founder and CEO - Fun Academy: Angry Birds in the Playground

- Raphael Vandystadt, Social Responsibility Manager - TV Globo: “GoodMob" - Globo Tv social mobilization strategy

11:25 - 11:40 AM

Coffee Break

11.40 – 1:40 PM

(Group session)

Speed Dating: Pairing Content Producers, Donors and Project Teams

Teams will be matched to presenters for 3 sessions of 30 minutes each to discuss specific topics and contents.

1:40 - 3:10 PM


3:10 - 3:30 PM

(Plenary Session)

Gaming with Policymakers

Aidan Coville, Economist World Bank

3:30 - 6:00 PM

(Group Session)



(4:15-4:30 Coffee Break)

Group Work Clinic IV: Identification Strategy and Mechanisms (Cont.), Measurement and Indicators

Moderators: Impact Evaluation Specialists

Project teams will work in small groups, along with moderators, to design an impact evaluation strategy for their chosen project. They will also think through the mechanisms worth experimentally evaluating as separate treatment arms.  The proposed design will be recorded in the project’s PowerPoint template. The group presentations to be delivered on Day 5.

7:30 PM – 9:30 PM



DAY 5: Friday, May 20, 2016

9:00 – 10:00 PM

(Plenary Session)

Measuring session 2: Innovative Ways of Measuring Impacts and Behavior Change
Chair: German Sturzenegger, Water and Sanitation Senior Specialist-IADB
- Edgar Valle, Lead Researcher-SIMO Consulting: Measuring Stress, Memorability and Likeability of Characters

- Christina Barstow, University of Colorado at Boulder, Using sensor technologies in water and Sanitation

- Ignez Tristao, Social Protection Economist Senior Specialist - IADB, “Behavior change in indigenous communities: better nutrition in Chiapas”

10:00-10:30 PM

 (Plenary Session)

Development Priorities and Funding Opportunities


10:30 – 1:00 PM

Group Work Clinic V: Project teams finalize their presentations  

1:00– 2:30 PM


2:30 – 5:00 PM

(Parallel Session by Language)


Project Evaluation Proposals: Group Presentations

Moderators: Impact Evaluation Specialists

Project teams will present their results to the plenary group using the PowerPoint presentation they have been preparing on Days 2-4 (5min/team). Moderators and the other teams will provide practical feedback on the evaluation designs, and implementation and monitoring arrangements. Moderators will verify that the proposed impact evaluation design is robust and that a well-specified process exists for mainstreaming the impact evaluation into project implementation. Each team will leave with a fully developed evaluation design and implementation plan.

5:00-5:30 PM

(Plenary Session)

Certificates and Closing ceremony


Last Updated: Jul 27, 2016

Contact Victor Orozco
  • Program Coordinator: Entertainment Education Program
  • Email:
  • Phone: +1 202-473-7154
