The 13th Overview Course on Financial Issues: Promoting Stable and Inclusive Financial Systems will be held at the World Bank Group Headquarter in Washington DC on May 9-13, 2016. This training aims at providing a solid knowledge of the fundamentals and latest thinking in key areas of the financial sector.
The theme of the 2016 Overview Course of Financial Sector Issues will be Promoting Stable and Inclusive Financial Systems. In the aftermath of the Great Recession and Euro Debt Crisis, many financial sector policy makers around the world are confronted with the challenges posed by pursuing these two important yet at times conflicting mandates. Throughout the week-long course, participants will have opportunities to ask questions and engage in discussions on issues related to both financial stability and inclusion with renowned scholars and policy experts, who will identify the critical questions related to each topic, explore the analytics of the issues, and share lessons from various countries’ experiences.
The course is intended for mid-level officials from central banks, ministries of finance, and financial regulatory agencies in developing countries, as well as staff involved in financial sector operations from international development organizations and the private sector. Prior knowledge of financial sector issues is expected, and we suggest that only those with experience in this field attend.