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2015 Danube Water Conference
2015 Danube Water Conference: Water Services - The State of the Sector
May 7-8, 2015Vienna, Austria

Key sector representatives from the Danube region at national and local levels will convene to discuss the State of the Sector and what they jointly, can do better to achieve smart policies, strong utilities and sustainable water services.

Download the Conference Programme (PDF)


A common understanding of policies, strategies, concepts, roles and practices among decision makers leads to improved regional cooperation and services in the water sector. Therefore, key sector representatives from the Danube region at national and local levels will convene to discuss the State of the Sector and what they jointly, can do better to achieve smart policies, strong utilities and sustainable water services.


Representatives from national institutions (Ministries, regulators); national water and municipal associations, local government and utilities from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, and Ukraine; representatives from regional utility (IAWD) and municipality (NALAS) associations; representatives from the EU, GIZ, SDC and the World Bank.


The Conference is supported by the Austrian, German and Swiss Governments.

See also:

Water and Waste Water Services in the Danube Region - A State of the Sector:

Danube Water Program:

DANUBIS Water Platform:

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