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4th Disaster Risk Management Seminar “Multilateral Cooperation for Disaster Resilience in Latin America and the Caribbean”
December 11, 2014Tokyo

Disaster Risk Management Seminar Series: co-organized by the World Bank, World Bank Disaster Risk Management Hub, Tokyo and Inter-American Development Bank Office in Asia


In many years, Japan and the World Bank have been working together to support Disaster Risk Management (DRM) efforts by disaster-prone developing countries.  In April 2013, the Government of Japan announced Japan-World Bank Program for Mainstreaming DRM in Developing Countries.  Subsequently, World Bank DRM Hub, Tokyo was established within the World Bank Tokyo Office. As part of its outreach and knowledge activities, Tokyo DRM Hub and the World Bank Tokyo Office will co-organize the 4th public seminar titled “Latin America – Japan Cooperation for Disaster Risk Management”.

Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are exposed to a wide variety of natural hazards. Governments have long recognized the need to address disaster risk, and their efforts to mainstream DRM into development activities now often set new global standards – for example Mexico’s ‘Fonden’ fund for disasters. In February 2010, Chile’s earthquake-resistant standards provided a clear demonstration that risk can be effectively managed even in highly seismic areas. Megacities in the region, such as Bogota, are now ranked among the most proactive in addressing disaster risk. Donors have also been progressive in their efforts to collaborate: the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF), which works as a joint reserve mechanism for Caribbean countries, is an example of how innovative financial engineering can help smaller economies cope with disaster risk.

In this context, what more is needed to build on gains in resilience achieved in the region over the last decades, and what specific support and cooperation is needed from Japan and other Asian countries to achieve this?


Opening remarks

Yasusuke Tsukagoshi Special Representative, Japan, World Bank Group


Niels Holm-Nielsen
Lead Disaster Risk Management Specialist, Social, Rural, Urban & Resilience, World Bank Group
Disaster Risk Management (PDF)

Fernando Ramirez
Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist, Social, Rural, Urban & Resilience,  World Bank Group
Disaster Risk Management (PDF)

Tsuneki Hori
Disaster Risk Management Specialist, Environment, Rural Development and Disaster Management Division, Infrastructure and Environment Sector, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Disaster Risk Management in LAC Overview - Progress and Challenges (PDF)

Jack Campbell
Disaster Risk Management Specialist, Disaster Risk Management Hub, Tokyo, World Bank Group

Q & A’s

Closing remarks

Toru Shikibu Representative in Asia, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)


Event Details
  • Date/Time: 
    Thursday, December 11, 4:30pm-6:30pm
  • Venue: 
    The World Bank Tokyo Development Learning Center
    10th floor, Fukoku Seimei Building, 2-2-2 Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Map
  • Language: English and Japanese (with simultaneous interpretation)
  • Inquiries: 
    World Bank Tokyo Office
    TEL: 03-3597-6650
  • Registration: 
    Please register from the registration button below.
