Pablo Fajnzylber is Director of Strategy and Operations for the Infrastructure Practice Group, covering Energy and Extractives, Transport, Digital Development and Infrastructure Finance, Public Private Partnerships and Guarantees. The World Bank’s active portfolio in these areas consists of more than 400 operations for a total value of USD 75 billion, focused on providing sustainable solutions to close infrastructure gaps in developing and emerging economies.
A Chilean national, Mr. Fajnzylber has over 20 years of experience in technical and leadership positions in international development. In previous assignments at the World Bank, he has been Manager for Economic Management and Country Programs at the Independent Evaluation Group, Manager for Poverty Reduction and Economic Management in the Africa Region, and Lead Economist for Brazil.
Mr. Fajnzylber holds a PhD in economics from Michigan State University and has published extensively on a variety of development topics. In addition to authoring multiple World Bank reports, his work has been published in various professional journals, including the Journal of Development Economics, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Law and Economics, European Economic Review, World Development, Journal of Development Studies, World Bank Economic Review and Applied Economics.
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